[GSWoT] Testing
Kevin Coates
2005-02-02 20:38:00 UTC
Hello GSWoT,

An obligatory test ... to see if this works. :)

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA
(see kludges for my pgp key)
Jeff Allen
2005-02-03 13:26:29 UTC
Kevin Coates wrote:
| Hello GSWoT,
| An obligatory test ... to see if this works. :)

It didn't work, Kevin.
Kevin Coates
2005-02-03 16:00:42 UTC
Hi Michael,

On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 10:06:55 -0500 (10:06 AM here), Michael Daigle
Oh darn. The story of my life. :)
MD> Your signature was fine on your first and this message in the
MD> mailing list. Signatures do not seem to survive the trip through
MD> the Gmane gateway...

Signatures will never survive on any Gmane group because Gmane
obfuscates anything it thinks is an e-mail address (for spam
protection). This alters the message and creates a bad signature.

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA
(see kludges for my pgp key)
