Ken Ballou
2005-08-27 19:06:37 UTC
It is my pleasure to announce another addition to the Gossamer Spider
Web of Introducers, Folkert van Heusden of Gouda, The Netherlands!
PGP KeyID: 30190E8C1F28D8AE
PGP Fingerprint: AC89 09CE 41F2 00B4 FCF2 B174 3019 0E8C 1F28 D8AE
Web of Introducers, Folkert van Heusden of Gouda, The Netherlands!
PGP KeyID: 30190E8C1F28D8AE
PGP Fingerprint: AC89 09CE 41F2 00B4 FCF2 B174 3019 0E8C 1F28 D8AE